Our gherkin varieties are all spined and product range contains for both of processing and fresh market. We represent some of our commercial or pre commercial varieties.
Parthenocarpic variety. Strong plant vigour. Fruits are spined type and has very dark green fruit colour. Well branching plant and produce very high yield. L/D: 3,1:1 Well adapted for flat and vertical cultivation. Multi fruiting variety with stable fruit quality. Strong regeneration.
Parthenocarpic variety. Well branching and medium vigorous plants. Has dark green and small leaves enable better ventilation which result less spraying and longer cultivation period. Variety is multipistilled and has shorter internodes. Leaves are small and dark green. Fruits are spined and dark green. It is an early variety with high yield.
Short cucumber
We provide a complete range of Short Cucumber which can be adapted different locations and market segments.
Single pistilled (1-2 fruit per node), adapted for cold conditions, Better performance in over winter productions, small leaves, good setting under cold conditions and good fruit growth in cold, very high fruit quality, slightly ribbed fruits, medium dark green fruits, very long fruit stem
Semi pistilled (2 fruits per nodes), adapted for late fall, early spring. Long and straight fruits, small leaves to increase plant health, strong plant, blind sideshoots (stops after 2 internodes), very high fruit quality, slightly ribbed fruits, medium dark green fruits, very long distinguished fruit stem